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   Providing Excellence in Entertainment and Customer Service Since 1970
       BUYER'S INPUT FORM - Interview, etc..   **

Minimum service fee budget of $10,000 USD is required.
This service fee is ONLY for assistance in making the arrangement for an interview.
It is NOT the fee for the interview itself - which may or may not require an additional fee.
     If you do not have this level of budget, we will not be able to assist in this category.

     This is regarding PROFESSIONAL interviews ONLY, such as --
        a. radio station interview, in person or via telephone,
        b. television interview, in person or via telephone,
        c. a journalist's interview, or "request for comment",
        d. an author's interview, or "request for comment",
        e. any professional interview via telephone,
        f.  and so on...

      This is NOT for the following artists: Robyn, Halestorm.
      This is NOT for fans wanting to chat with an artist.
      This is NOT to "interview" a celebrity to discuss a business proposal/opportunity.

Complete and submit the below information-request form if ALL of the following are true --
   1. You currently have $10,000 USD or more to offer for assistance in arranging for an interview with an artist/celebrity, 
   2. This regards an interview by a representative/journalist/reporter/employee of a newspaper, magazine, radio station,
       television network, podcast, webcast, book, or similar professional entity,
   3. You are currently financially prepared to make and guarantee such an offer,
   4. You can provide a telephone number where you can be reached during normal business hours,
   5. You can provide a valid e-mail address that you check regularly,
   6. You are NOT an individual simply seeking a one-on-one conversation with a celebrity.
(If one or more of the above is not true, start over.  Click HERE.)

You must provide a correct/valid e-mail address to receive our reply.  Please enter your address carefully.
We will only use your e-mail address to correspond with you regarding your specified needs.

We do not put your address on a marketing mail list.
We never sell, distribute or use e-mail addresses for mass marketing. We are very anti-spam.

Continuously typing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, in e-mail or on the Internet, is considered SHOUTING at the reader - and is much more difficult to read.
Be kind to us.  Please do not SHOUT.  Release the "Caps Lock" key on your keyboard.  Thank you for this consideration.

Most users will be able to use their keyboard "Tab" key to navigate this form.

Prior to providing service, we do require information about your plans for the artist, using the below, easy-to-use form.

In most cases, you will receive a quick response via e-mail. So, PLEASE ensure that your e-mail address is accurate. Submit your inquiry and then, after a reasonable period of time, check your mail IN BOX for a response. (If not found, remember to check your JUNK or SPAM mailbox.)

The below form is not a contract and does not constitute an obligation. It is simply a means for you to submit/request information.  In other words, it is an information request form.

Minimum budget requirement for this form: $10,000 or more, with an additional budget for any artist's fee and expenses/costs.


Before proceeding --
Are these statements TRUE
   1. You currently have $10,000 USD or more to offer for assistance in arranging for an interview, 
   2. This regards an interview by a representative/journalist/reporter/employee of a newspaper, magazine, radio station,
       television network, podcast, webcast, book, or similar professional entity, and
   3. You are currently financially prepared to submit and guarantee such an offer,
   YES (proceed) / NO (return to start)












Contact information

YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION  (used only to communicate with you regarding your request) --

Your name:
   First and last name required.
   If applicable.
Your primary e-mail address:
   Must be in the form of "name@isp.domain".

Check for errors. Address must be valid.
Re-type primary e-mail address:
   Address entries should match.

Check for errors. Address entries should match.
Alternate e-mail address:
   Optional, but recommended

Alternate/secondary e-mail address.
Check for errors. Address must be valid.

Your telephone number(s):
   Required. Your direct daytime number.
   We may call to discuss your needs.
   International customers should include Country Code.
  Format: 000  000  0000
Primary/preferred telephone number.
Please label as office, home, cell, etc.
Please include spaces. For example: 555 555 5555
Telephone extension number:
   If applicable.
Time zone for this telephone number:
  We use this to determine appropriate time to call.
Pacific    Mountain   Central   Eastern
Atlantic   Newfoundland
Hawaiian Other/Unknown
Not in North America
Best time of day to call:
   To discuss your needs for your event.
   Not required if located outside of North America.
Alternate telephone number(s):
   Optional, but recommended.
   International customers should include Country Code.
  Format: 000  000  0000
Secondary/alternate telephone number.
Please label as office, home, cell, assistant, etc.
Please include spaces. For example: 555 555 5555
Best time of day to call this alternate number:
   Not required if located outside of North America.
Date(s) needed for the artist's services:
   If exact date is not known, then what month, or year,
     or time frame?
   Expected start date and finish date, if known.
City, State/Province and Country
   Where services are to be performed, if known:
   If the interview can be conducted via telephone,
     simply enter "by telephone".
Name(s) of artist(s) of special interest:
   Your interest must be in a specific artist, or
     a short list of specific artists of interest.
     (This is required.)
     This form is NOT to be used for interview requests for:
        Robyn or Halestorm

   If the artist you want is not available for your date,
     or is not interested in being interviewed for this,
     and you want to consider alternative
     names, enter the names of possible interest.
This service is ONLY for assistance in the arrangement for an interview. It is NOT the fee for the interview itself. Depending on the promotional value of the interview and the willingness of the artist to participate, the artist's fee will vary.
Entering a figure here does NOT obligate you. It only lets us know that you do understand the minimum fee for this service.
Minimum entry figure: $10,000 USD.

    Non-numerical entries cannot be considered.
    Do not enter any of the following:
    "tbd" or "to be discussed" or "will discuss"
    "n/a" or "not applicable"
    "open" or "negotiable"
    "it depends"
    "what does the artist want?"
    "you tell me"
    "no budget"
    "unknown" or "don't know" or "???"
    "call me", or other similar non-numerical entries.

     Any such entry will be rejected automatically.

   Format: 10 000
Only numbers.

   Interview arrangement assistance fee budget for
     a SINGLE artist or group, payable in advance
     -- in U.S. dollars.

    Note: A budget range less than $10k is invalid
             and will be rejected, such as "$0k-$10k".
             If you have no budget for this, click here.
    If your budget is less than $10,000, click here.
Do NOT submit FALSE information.
    Budget figure entered MUST be factual - not
    Please indicate the authenticity of budget entry.
    Select one of the below. The above entry is...
    Accurate     Not accurate
    You MUST be prepared to submit
    this amount in advance. This is 100% refundable
    should the artist decline your invitation for
    an interview. If you are not willing, do not proceed.

    Willing to pay in advance     No

    Your entry should be a dollar figure or range.
    The above entry includes...
   a dollar figure or range   only words

    Your entry should be equal to $10k USD or more.
    The above budget level figure entry is...
$10k or more   Less than $10k
    Note: Any budget range less than $10k is invalid
             and will be rejected, such as "$0k-$10k".
             If you have no budget for this, do NOT submit.

Although several categories might be involved, choose the one that BEST describes your projected use of this artist's interview:
 print media (newspaper/magazine/book/etc.) television  radio  Internet
 Other  Multiple
Note: If you are primarily interested in booking talent for a public concert, festival or a private/corporate party, you are in the wrong place using the wrong form.
Start over: Click HERE

Who will be conducting the interview?
Tell us about your interview plans.
Include how you think this interview might benefit the artist, if at all.
(This is required.)

What do you have in mind for the Artist?
What is required?
What is requested - but not necessarily required?
Is this interview to be in person, or via telephone?
  If in person, who is to go where?

Are you expecting or prepared to financially compensate the artist for the interview itself?


 Comment section
Please provide a brief history or resume' of the interviewer's experience in conducting such interviews.
(This is required.)
If left blank, we will assume no prior experience -- unless the interviewer's name is VERY well known in the U.S.
  Experience section:
  How experienced is the interviewer in this field?
Please provide web site addresses that tell us who you are or who your company is.
(This is required - unless your name or your company's name is VERY well known in the U.S. If your name is well known, simply enter your name here.)
  Internet-based references

If you entered a budget figure of less than $10,000 USD, or your entry is not accurate because you do not actually have the required funds, stop. Please do not continue. We are unable to provide you with the services you seek.

The below statement asks you to confirm your budget figure entry is accurate.
Clicking YES means confirmation.

Do you confirm your above budget figure entry is $10,000 or more, you do actually have these funds for this purpose and you have a separate/additional budget to cover expenses and extra costs of the artist?
NO -- Our budget is less than $10,000. I will go elsewhere.  

            (Click on this "Not sufficient" link.)  >>    

Not sufficient. (Less than $10,000)
YES -- My above entry for budget figure is $10,000 or more, and
          I/we actually have this available for this purpose.
             (Submit this form by clicking this YES button.)    >>

                 (Click to SUBMIT)




Prior to providing service, we do require information about your plans using this simple on-line form.

In most cases, you will receive a quick response by telephone and/or e-mail. So, PLEASE ensure that your telephone number is direct to you (not voice mail) and that your e-mail address information is correct. Submit your inquiry and then, after a reasonable period of time, check your mail for a response.

How quickly can you expect a response? During regular business hours, typically within 30 minutes.

We do not take information over the telephone nor do we provide information over the telephone, until we have this requested information. Once e-mail communication is established, our telephone number is provided to you.

If your budget is less than the posted minimum amount, we are unable provide any service or assistance.

We do not send unsolicited mail and do not send mass marketing e-mails. (We are very anti-spam.) We only ask for this information so that we can communicate with and serve you more efficiently.

Richard De La Font Agency, Inc.

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