How To Book MICHAEL BURGER For Your Event!
Michael Burger may be available for your next special event!

Michael Burger,
Talk Show Boy as he was nicknamed, is an American actor, comedian, game show
host, talk show host and television presenter.
You might have seen
him on such shows as "Match Game," "Family Challenge,"
"Man O' Man and "Mike and Maty," which he hosted on ABC
with co-host Maty Monfort.
He finished working on the "Home and Family"
show, which he hosted along with Cristina Ferrare. He can be seen
on "To Tell the Truth" as a celebrity panel guest.
It was in high school that Michael Burger first
discovered his abilities to entertain.
"When a teacher would get up in front of the class and say to me,
'If you think that's so funny, why don't you get up and share it with
the room?,' I would go up and do a nice tight ten. I realized that the
classroom was this wonderful little audience to play.
"I came from a family of teachers Mom, Dad, Aunts and
Uncles. I had enough knowledge and respect for the profession that I was
never one sitting in detention. It was finding the balance between
bringing a smile across the teacher's face, getting a chuckle out of my
classmates and movin' on. The classroom was my 'Catskills,' As I look
back, it was a great training ground."
Burger's first disciplined effort at hosting was as a
stand-up comic working the cruise ship lines. On board, he noticed the
nightly passenger talent shows.
"You'd see an 85-year-old woman get up there and dance the Lord's
prayer. I saw it as a great venue to practice hosting. I'd bring someone
out of the audience and do the 'where are you from...what do you do?'
routine, spending five to ten minutes and turning them loose."
"When I got to the point that I could keep 1500 passengers from the
buffet, I knew I had an act."
Michael Burger may be available for your next special event!
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