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How To Book HELEN BAYLOR For Your Event!

Helen Baylor may be available for your next special event!

  Hire Helen Baylor - booking Helen Baylor information.

  Hire Helen Baylor - booking Helen Baylor information.        

In a world where racism, division, and moral uncertainties are eroding the fabric of society, Helen Baylor steps forward with a message of hope, carried on a fiery-winged musical vehicle that has taken Christian music by storm.

All of Helen's albums feature several songs written and co-written by Baylor, each burning with the fire of dedication to bringing the Gospel message to those who are confused and hurting. Raised in Compton, California, Baylor has a special place in her heart for those who live in the turmoil of the inner-city. "When I was growing up, we didn't have the tension that exists today. There were more positive role models, stronger families . . . it breaks my heart to see those neighborhoods now. It's like a spirit of death and destruction has taken over those streets."

  Hire Helen Baylor - booking Helen Baylor information.

Hire Helen Baylor for your festival or concert plans!

It was on one of those streets in South Central L.A. that Helen Baylor gave a performance which changed the course of her life. At the tender age of 12, Helen's parents and aunts dressed her up and brought her to their favorite nightclub, convincing the owner to let her sing a song with the band. When that mighty voice cane out of that pint-size frame, the audience roared its approval and Helen was on her way to a career that included opening for the likes of Stevie Wonder, B.B. King and Aretha Franklin, all while Helen was still in high school.

The pressures of success began to take their toll. Landing a part in the road company of the Broadway musical Hair at 17, Helen Baylor began experimenting with drugs, in an effort to "fit-in" with the crowd. "I was the youngest person in the show, and I wanted to belong so badly," says Helen.

  Hire Helen Baylor - booking Helen Baylor information.

Hire Helen Baylor for your special event!

For 12 years, Helen Baylor enjoyed the fruits of her remarkable talent, touring with Chaka Khan and The Captain & Tennille, as well as working as a studio vocalist.

Finally, the turbulent lifestyle caught up with her. In 1981, Helen took stock of her situation and realized something had to change. "I was associating with drug dealers, shaking up with James (now her husband) and pawning nice things just to buy a $25 bag of weed. I wasn't working much anymore because my reputation as a musician was going downhill."

Helen Baylor credits the prayers of her grandmother for bringing her back to the faith of her childhood. "I'd never completely let go of the God I knew as a child, but when I was a teenager, I just didn't find Jesus very interesting. By 1981, when I went to church with my grandmother, I knew what I'd been missing. I cried at the altar, and bought a Bible. But I still dabbled in drugs and it took me a year to finally turn my life over to the Lord completely."

Helen Baylor - booking information

- Hire Helen Baylor -

It was six years before Helen Baylor sang again. "I wanted to sing Gospel, I couldn't go back to secular music after what I'd been through. But God didn't open the doors until six years later – not to even sing a solo in the choir!"

Listening to Helen Baylor now, it's hard to imagine that she couldn't get a solo spot in the church choir. It's also tempting to wonder why she wouldn't take her pipes into the pop field. "I have a call on my life to minister the Gospel. There's nothing wrong with other people doing secular music, but I'm sold out to preach the Gospel message."

In 1993, Helen Baylor was ordained by her pastor, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price at Crenshaw Christian Center. In 1995, she received her Honorary Doctorate Degree in Sacred Music from Friends International Christian University.

Dr. Baylor is currently on the board of St. Domenics in Tulsa, Oklahoma, an outreach ministry of Higher Dimensions, where Bishop Carlton Pearson was the pastor. St. Domenics is a maternity facility, offering housing, healthcare and counsel to young unwed mothers. In addition to St. Domenics, Dr. Baylor also holds a seat on the board of Elizabeth Home in Fort Worth, Texas, a facility offering the same services. Having spent time in a similar environment as a teen, Dr., Baylor has a heart for young women finding themselves in this complicated and sensitive situation.

Now Dr. Helen Baylor ministers powerfully and under the anointing. God has gifted her to sing and minister under the anointing. She openly and candidly shares the Word of God with the same anointing. God uses Dr. Baylor greatly in the areas of healing and deliverance.

Dr. Baylor, along with her husband, takes her music and message throughout the United States and abroad, sharing the good news to those who are lost and exhorting and encouraging the Body of Christ to perfection.


Top songs include:

  • Amazing Grace
  • Helen's Testimony
  • Victory
  • Sold Out
  • Sea of Forgetfulness
  • Look a Little Closer
  • Highly Recommended
  • Lifting Up the Name of Jesus
  • More Than a Friend
  • Worthy


Hire Helen Baylor for your party or event!

Helen Baylor may be available for your next special event!

Book Helen Baylor, now!

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Booking Helen Baylor

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  For booking information, click HERE!

Genre: Gospel
   .CCM. / xCCM
   .Contemporary Gospel. / ContemporaryGospel
   .Urban. / xUrban
   .Black Gospel. / BlackGospel
   .Praise & Worship. / Praise&Worship / Praise and Worship

Years active
   x90s, x00s, x10s, x20s

Born: ..in Oklahoma / born nOklahoma
Born: ..in Tulsa / born TulsaOK
Born:   in 1953

Raised: ..in California / nCalifornia
Raised: ..in Compton / ComptonCA

Based: ..in US
Based: ..in Nevada / based nNevada
Based: ..in Las Vegas / based LasVegasNV



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Frequently Asked Questions About How To Hire HELEN BAYLOR for a private party or special event.

(i.e., how to hire HELEN BAYLOR for an event)

You are currently on the official site of De La Font Agency. For more than 50 years, we have successfully helped official talent buyers around the world secure quality talent.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you. Let's do this the right way! Let's save you time and frustration!

Simply click on the "Let's Get Started!" link found on this page. Then, send us your request for booking information.

Include information about your plans for your event and how taking steps to hire HELEN BAYLOR (or someone similar) might be of special interest.

If you decide you want to look at other names, simply include your talent-fee budget range and indicate that you want to see who else you might be able to afford with such a budget. We can send you a list of names that are affordable and in the style of music you prefer. We hope to save you time and frustration!

(i.e., what is the booking fee to hire HELEN BAYLOR for an event?)
(i.e., what is HELEN BAYLOR booking fee to perform at an event?)

Official booking fees for HELEN BAYLOR, or any other celebrity, are determined based on a number of factors and may change at any time without prior notice.

Factors influencing pricing vary and may include date, location, type of event, whether a private party or a public concert, the artist's calendar, whether the artist is on tour or not, how well tickets are selling at the artist's concerts, the current demand for the artist's music, market activity, etc.

As you might expect, the more in-demand the artist is, the more buyers are prepared to pay. Of course, this causes the artist's price to increase as the artist becomes more popular or decrease when the artist becomes less popular.

Exclusive agents with exclusive representation frequently quote a range instead of a specific price, since changes can occur at any time. Generally, the artist's manager has a role in the decision to accept any particular offer from a talent buyer.

To learn the most current artist's pricing, or the estimated artist's fee for your particular event, simply click on the "Let's Get Started!" link found on this page. Then, send us your request for booking information.

(i.e., what is HELEN BAYLOR's availability?)

To learn the artist's current availability for your special event, simply click on the "Let's Get Started!" link found on this page. Then, send us your request for booking information.

Once we have your event/party information, we will be better able to assist you with putting your entertainment talent booking plans in place as your entertainment consultant. Let's get this done right! We look forward to working with you!

Helen Baylor booking agent available. Helen Baylor cost, Helen Baylor booking fee and Helen Baylor booking price are available.



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This company has been providing excellence in entertainment and customer service since 1970.
We can assist you regarding any of the following --
booking entertainment, such as major name entertainers or celebrities, booking Helen Baylor, booking information on Helen Baylor, or hiring Helen Baylor for your special event, or to book or hire Helen Baylor, or if you are seeking the Helen Baylor booking agent for corporate entertainment or for a private party.
Consider the opportunity to book Helen Baylor or other entertainers for a wedding, birthday, anniversary, business meeting or convention.
If you are not a talent buyer, we are unable to provide Helen Baylor manager or management contact information.
This is the official website of Richard De La Font Agency, Inc.
Contact us to book a celebrity entertainer for your private party, birthday, or wedding, or for your corporate event!
Consider this your official Helen Baylor booking agency web site – The booking agent who works for you!

This company acts as an entertainment consultant or broker/producer and does not claim or represent itself as the exclusive agent, representative or management of Helen Baylor.

Cost, fee and pricing are available.

Questions submitted to us include -
what is the booking fee or price of HELEN BAYLOR
what is the cost of HELEN BAYLOR
is HELEN BAYLOR available for my event
how do I hire HELEN BAYLOR for a corporate event or private party
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who is the manager of HELEN BAYLOR
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looking for direct contact information for HELEN BAYLOR

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Helen Baylor, gospel music artist - booking agent. HELEN BAYLOR may be available for your event. Book her if you can. You will have the time of your life!