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How To Book TONI LYNN WASHINGTON For Your Event!

Toni Lynn Washington may be available for your next special event!

  Toni Lynn Washington - booking information

  Toni Lynn Washington - booking information

Moments before Toni Lynn Washington takes the stage, you might see what appears to be a quiet, unassuming woman standing patiently out of the spotlight. But look quickly, because once the music starts, four decades of performing will kick into gear, and she'll soon take control of the room like a pool shark running the table.

  Toni Lynn Washington - booking information  Special performers are gifted with the innate ability to throw that "switch." You know, that ignition of performance and presence that lets you leave your troubles behind, and immerse yourself in the sheer joy of sharing that comes from giving one's self over to the music. Toni Lynn Washington is just such an artist.

Her youth was spent in Southern Pines, North Carolina where she loved nothing better than a chance to sing with her school and church choirs. Her education in the language and lifestyle of music continued when her family moved to Boston, where she finished her formal education and went about building a career that has taken her through more cities, states and countries than she'd care to remember.

  Toni Lynn Washington - booking information  Toni Lynn Washington first took the stage in Boston where, after sneaking past the door of as many clubs as she could (being underage at the time), she was soon wowing musicians and audiences all over the city. She had, of course, been doing this for quite some time, until one fateful night, when she proceeded to bring the house down with her performance of Ruth Brown's "5, 10, 15 (Hours Of Your Love)." Only this time, Mom was in the house! But the "buzz" had already begun.

Marriage at 18, to a military man, soon found our heroine in New Orleans. Once settled, she befriended, worked with and opened for such blues/soul legends as Jackie Wilson, Johnny Adams, Big Joe Turner, Sam and Dave and Bobby "Blue" Bland. She worked regularly in clubs all over New Orleans and soon found herself traveling more and more.

Her early recordings for Kon-Tiki (a subsidiary of Atlantic Records) produced the moderately successful single "Dear Diary" and a truly heartfelt version of the ballad "Satisfaction." Interestingly, the "B" side to "Satisfaction" was an early version of "Good Things," which forty years later is the title track of her latest Tone Cool CD. A military transfer brought her young family to a still-segregated Pensacola, Florida, far from her Crescent City ties. She managed to find a few regional bookings, which would not take her away from her family for too long. And she actually fronted a 35 piece, Military Band that performed at many high-profile events and eventually led to a few USO tours.

A few moves and a few groups later, Toni Lynn Washington found herself in Hollywood. Almost immediately upon her arrival, she secured representation, and became the sole female in a Fifth Dimension-esque group called Sound 70 (The Sounds of the Seventies). Travel with this band took her all over the country and world, and even led to television appearances on such popular shows as those hosted by the likes of Steve Allen and Mike Douglas.

Yet, in the eight years she worked with them, Toni became increasingly discouraged. Constant touring took her away from her young family at a time when they probably needed each other most. It also removed her from the Hollywood base that might have garnered more opportunities for her, yet ultimately yielded just one unreleased pop record. The breakup of Sound 70, a move to the East Coast and a short stint with some ex-Raelettes solidified her disenchantment. She felt there was no real future for her, no "big time," like the friends she had left behind in New Orleans were beginning to experience in the burgeoning Soul and R&B genres.

With her professional life seemingly in limbo, and no upswing in sight, she moved back to Boston in the early 80's and got a 9-to-5 office job so that she could provide for her family. The need to entertain was not out of her system, of course, and she sat in with a number of local artists, including jazz vocalist Eula Lawrence, who was moved by her remarkably emotive voice, and wondered where TONI LYNN WASHINGTON had been hiding herself?

Compliments and mutual respect became introductions, which soon yielded more and more freelance work with local jazz groups whenever the opportunity arose. During this period, Toni Lynn Washington performed at virtually every music room in Boston. But the yearning to perform her own songs in her own style was growing greater. Toni soon gained the opportunity to sing the blues she so loved, as front woman of Boston Baked Blues. This provided her introduction to blues audiences all over the Northeast, and she was warmly embraced by players and listeners alike. Musically, things were starting to feel like home again.

After a few successful years with BBB, Toni began to feel the need for a change. Her creative juices were flowing again, and she wanted more of an opportunity to write and collaborate. She needed to sing songs that she chose herself and were arranged for her. It was time for her to, once again, chase her dream. She made the break, with no ill will, from Boston Baked Blues, and with the help of BBB band mate Bruce Bears as her musical director and keyboardist, she formed her own band. She and Bruce called upon members of Boston's richly talented music scene for players, and approached musicians who seemed most likely to "get her to" the sound she wanted.

Toni Lynn's career has blossomed. Signed to Richard Rosenblatt's Tone-Cool Records, she has begun to see some reward for her efforts. She's been nominated for two W.C. Handy Awards, had her music used in feature film soundtracks, and appeared on National Public Radio in the company of Etta James and John Lee Hooker. She recorded a performance for broadcast on Voice Of America. Toni has enjoyed increasing acclaim and notoriety.

Toni Lynn Washington has risen admirably to her self-imposed challenge. She has been a featured artist at a number of prestigious festivals. Literally hours after being awarded the 1999 Boston Blues Festival's Lifetime Achievement Award this past September, Toni and her band embarked on a two-week engagement at the prestigious Lionel Hampton Jazz Club at Le Meridien Etoile in Paris. Undaunted by any language barrier, she decisively won over the crowds which grew to and beyond capacity each night, as word of this remarkable talent spread throughout the region.

She has learned much in this time of development. She surrounds herself creatively, musically and in areas of business with professionals who understand and share her dream. The musicians in the Toni Lynn Washington Band have brought formidable songwriting, uncanny arranging and sizzling performances that meld brilliantly on the canvas that is the vocal masterpiece she creates.

It's been quite a ride! In this era of 'here today, gone tomorrow', she has persevered and proven that you can make your dreams come true. As her mother told her a long time ago, "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait." As for Toni Lynn Washington, critics and fans alike will attest, there are nothing but Good Things in store for this lovely lady and gifted artist!

What others say --

  • The Chicago Reader --
    "Whether she's purring a noirish ode or soaring over a sassy New-Orleans flavored horn line, soul-blues diva Toni Lynn Washington caresses each song, building intensity until the audience is as sweaty and satisfied as the protagonists of her romantic ballads."
  • Boston Globe --
    "Toni Lynn Washington has a lovely, deep, smooth voice that extrudes strength and self-assurance. With her sharp articulation and occasional horn-like tones, she pulls the maximum emotional intensity form each note."
  • Boston Phoenix --
    "Her tones are rich, rising or falling seamlessly, and somehow she's always right in the pocket – riding the groove, placing her melodies in just the right spots, at just the right volume, with just the right twists and shimmies."

Top songs include: .

  • Driving Wheel
  • Teardrops from My Eyes
  • I'm Leaving You
  • Ain't Gonna Cry No More
  • Sugar In My Bowl
  • Just Around The Corner
  • Knock Once
  • Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
  • Young Men Go Wild
  • Paycheck In My Pocket

Toni Lynn Washington may be available for your next special event!

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Booking Toni Lynn Washington

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Genre: Blues
   .Modern Electric Blues. / ModernElectricBlues

Years active
   x80s, x90s, x00s, x10s

Born ..in North Carolina / born nNorthCarolina
Born ..in Southern Pines / born SouthernPinesNC
Born   Dec 6, 1937

Raised: ..in North Carolina
Raised: ..in Southern Pines

Based: ..in US
Based: ..in Massachusetts / based nMassachusetts
Based: ..in Boston / based BostonMA



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Frequently Asked Questions About How To Hire TONI LYNN WASHINGTON for a private party or special event.

(i.e., how to hire TONI LYNN WASHINGTON for an event)

You are currently on the official site of De La Font Agency. For more than 50 years, we have successfully helped official talent buyers around the world secure quality talent.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you. Let's do this the right way! Let's save you time and frustration!

Simply click on the "Let's Get Started!" link found on this page. Then, send us your request for booking information.

Include information about your plans for your event and how taking steps to hire TONI LYNN WASHINGTON (or someone similar) might be of special interest.

If you decide you want to look at other names, simply include your talent-fee budget range and indicate that you want to see who else you might be able to afford with such a budget. We can send you a list of names that are affordable and in the style of music you prefer. We hope to save you time and frustration!

(i.e., what is the booking fee to hire TONI LYNN WASHINGTON for an event?)
(i.e., what is TONI LYNN WASHINGTON booking fee to perform at an event?)

Official booking fees for TONI LYNN WASHINGTON, or any other celebrity, are determined based on a number of factors and may change at any time without prior notice.

Factors influencing pricing vary and may include date, location, type of event, whether a private party or a public concert, the artist's calendar, whether the artist is on tour or not, how well tickets are selling at the artist's concerts, the current demand for the artist's music, market activity, etc.

As you might expect, the more in-demand the artist is, the more buyers are prepared to pay. Of course, this causes the artist's price to increase as the artist becomes more popular or decrease when the artist becomes less popular.

Exclusive agents with exclusive representation frequently quote a range instead of a specific price, since changes can occur at any time. Generally, the artist's manager has a role in the decision to accept any particular offer from a talent buyer.

To learn the most current artist's pricing, or the estimated artist's fee for your particular event, simply click on the "Let's Get Started!" link found on this page. Then, send us your request for booking information.

(i.e., what is TONI LYNN WASHINGTON's availability?)

To learn the artist's current availability for your special event, simply click on the "Let's Get Started!" link found on this page. Then, send us your request for booking information.

Once we have your event/party information, we will be better able to assist you with putting your entertainment talent booking plans in place as your entertainment consultant. Let's get this done right! We look forward to working with you!

Artist booking agent available. Artist cost, artist booking fee and artist booking price are available.



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This company has been providing excellence in entertainment and customer service since 1970.
We can assist you regarding any of the following --
booking entertainment, such as major name entertainers or celebrities, booking Toni Lynn Washington, booking information on Toni Lynn Washington, or hiring Toni Lynn Washington for your special event, or to book or hire Toni Lynn Washington, or if you are seeking the Toni Lynn Washington booking agent for corporate entertainment or for a private party.
Consider the opportunity to book Toni Lynn Washington or other entertainers for a wedding, birthday, anniversary, business meeting or convention.
If you are not a talent buyer, we are unable to provide Toni Lynn Washington manager or management contact information.
This is the official website of Richard De La Font Agency, Inc.
Contact us to book a celebrity entertainer for your private party, birthday, or wedding, or for your corporate event!
Consider this your official Toni Lynn Washington booking agency web site – The booking agent who works for you!

This company acts as an entertainment consultant or broker/producer and does not claim or represent itself as the exclusive agent, representative or management of Toni Lynn Washington.

Cost, fee and pricing are available.

Questions submitted to us include -
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Toni Lynn Washington, blues music artist - booking agent. TONI LYNN WASHINGTON may be available for your event. Book her if you can. You will have the time of your life!