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** Booking Larnelle Harris - Gospel Music Artists - Contemporary Gospel, Black Gospel, Inspirational - © Richard De La Font Agency, Inc. - For serious booking requests
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The name "Larnelle" is synonymous with artistic talent,
creativity, and integrity.
To date, he has recorded more than 18 albums, won 5 GRAMMYS, and won 18 DOVE awards!
How do you earn so much respect in an industry
that your peers nickname you THE VOICE?
You strive for excellence every day of your career, and
you hold to a legendary level of integrity in all that you do. For more
than three decades of recording Larnelle Harris has been awarded
five GRAMMYS, 11 Dove Awards, made many TV appearances and scored dozens
of #1 records. But his story is not so much facts and figures as heart
and soul. "I wouldn't even cross the street to sing a song
just for it's own sake," says Larnelle. "I want to
sing songs that change people's lives." Ask his fans, and
they'll tell you he's done just that.
Possessing one of the most singular voices of his era,
Larnelle's music has evolved over the years from a more
traditional sound into bold, even edgy, contemporary settings without
missing a beat. "I'm not locked into any one style of music,"
he says. "I want to write or find the greatest lyric I can, and
then wrap it in the kind of music that makes it live. If that turns out
to be R&B, a majestic ballad, pop or rock...that's what we do."
Larnelle Harris began studying piano as a young
boy and sang his first solo in church at age 9. A Native of Danville,
Kentucky, he received his first formal vocal training as a music major
in college. Studying classical music and theory by day and earning
pocket money as a drummer in local top 40 bands, he had an eclectic
course of study that ran from French chansons, German lieder and
Elizabethan love songs to
James Brown and
Gaining performance savvy during a four-year stint
with the Spurrlows – a popular touring gospel group – brought
Larnelle to the attention of the music industry and began a steady
career ascent that today finds him performing across America and around
the World. In recent years, Larnelle has played to hundreds of thousands
of people in several foreign countries including Israel, Canada,
England, Brazil, Holland, Russia, South Korea and South Africa.
"I've found such a spiritual longing among people
as I've traveled the world," he says. "In South Africa we
played large halls as well as going to some of the remote townships. I
sang my songs and people just opened their hearts, and danced and
shouted and rejoiced. It was incredible."
"In Korea, I saw joy come over people's faces
night after night. I realized that even though we speak different
languages, and many miles separate us and make us feel uncertain and
threatened at times, people and their needs really are not that
different at heart."
Even as he continues to grow creatively and
spiritually, and his reach broadens to include people from many cultures
and walks of life, Larnelle says his goals have remained constant
through the years. "What's left for me to do is no different that
what was there when I first started," he concludes. "And that
is to grow in every way I open my heart and my life to the Lord
and allow Him to shave away the rough edges, and then to share that
journey with my audience. I don't ever want to be satisfied...growth is
what our Christian walk is all about."
Notable achievements include --
- Featured on CNN's live broadcast of the 17th Annual Easter Service
held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
- Performed for National Caring Institute Awards ceremony at Senate
Hall in Washington, DC. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was
special guest speaker.
- National Spokesman for World Vision
- Featured on 1996 ABC Easter special, "Resurrecting Hope"
- Featured artist as part of the history making Moscow Project
sponsored by the International Bible Society and Youth For Christ.
The project, which distributed 4 million Russian New Testaments,
culminated in the first gospel concert ever to be held in the
Kremlin, only one week following the 1991 attempted coup.
- Featured vocalist on the title cut for the movie, "Born
Again," the life story of Chuck Colson.
- National and international television appearances including "Live
With Regis & Kathy Lee," "Music City Tonight with
Crook & Chase" on TNN, "700 Club," "Good
Morning South Africa," "Billy Graham Crusades' World
Vision TV Special," "Hour Of Prayer," "Larnelle's
Christmas Special"
- Larnelle's song, "Mighty Spirit" from his 1989
release "I Can Begin Again" was featured on the nationally
televised public service announcement (PSA) for the Points of Light
Foundation. Larnelle performed the song for former President
and Mrs. Bush at the White House in 1992. The PSA became the
longest-running of its kind in television history.
- Featured guest on Promisekeepers Men's Conferences across the U.S.
Dove Awards include --
- 1996 Inspirational Album of
the Year
- 1993 Inspirational Album of
the Year
- 1992 Inspirational Album of
the Year
- 1988 Male Vocalist of the Year
- 1988 Songwriter of the Year
- 1988 Inspirational Album of the
Year for "The Father Hath Provided"
- 1986 Male Vocalist of the Year
- 1986 Inspirational Album of the
- 1983 Inspirational Black Album
of the Year
- 1983 Male Vocalist of the
- 1981 Contemporary Black
Gospel Album of the Year
Other Awards and Honors include --
- 1991 Silver Bell Award for
Distinguished Public Service
- 1989 Cashbox Magazine Award for
Contemporary Gospel Singer of the Year for "I Can Begin
- 1988 Stellar Award, Best Solo
Performance by Male Contemporary for "The Father Hath
- 1987 Singing News Fan Award for
Favorite Black Artist
- 1986 Gospel Music News People's
Choice Award for Favorite Black Artist
- 1986 Singing News Fan Award for
Favorite Black Artist
- 1985 Singing News Fan Award for
Favorite Black Artist
- 1981 Religion In Media Award
Notable songs include -- .
- All in Favor
- Amen
- Beyond All The Limits
- Childlike Faith
- Didn't It Rain
- Didn't You Know
- Everything You Are
- He Loved Me With A Cross
- How Excellent Is Thy Name
- I Can Be Glad
- I Can Begin Again
- I Choose Joy
- I Don't Know Why You Love Me
- I Miss My Time With You
- I've Just Seen Jesus
- In It After All
- Open Door
- Take The Time
- The Father Hath Provided
- There Stands The Cost
- Walkin' With My Lord
- When Praise Demands A Sacrifice
Larnelle Harris may be available for your next special event.
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To book Larnelle
Harris for your special event,
contact Richard De La Font Agency, Inc.
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